Let's Get To Know Some Of The Types And Benefits Of Polyphenols
TEHNOLOGI69 - Polyphenols are natural compounds in plants that have many health benefits. In the body, polyphenols act as antioxidants that can reduce your risk of developing various diseases. The benefits of polyphenols can be obtained by eating healthy foods.
Berbagai penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa polifenol bermanfaat dalam mencegah kerusakan sel tubuh akibat radikal bebas dan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan. Partikel radikal bebas ini bisa terbentuk secara alami akibat proses metabolisme.
However, the number of free radicals in the body can increase if you are frequently exposed to pollution, cigarette smoke, long-term sunlight, infections, or if you eat a lot of foods exposed to pesticides.
Types of Polyphenols and Their Sources
Polyphenols that are found in healthy foods and drinks or certain supplements are generally divided into several types, namely:
- Flavonoids
Flavonoids are a group of pigments present in plants. About 60 percent of polyphenols belong to the flavonoid group. Some examples of substances included in flavonoid antioxidants are flavones, isoflavones, anthocyanins, quercetin, kaempferol, catechins, and anthocyanins.
Flavonoids can be found in fruits and vegetables as well as foods high in antioxidants, such as apples, oranges, grapes, mangoes, sugar apple, onions, taro, mustard greens, spinach, katuk leaves, and green tea and dark chocolate.
- Anthocyanins
The colors in various types of fruit and vegetables, for example in rhubarb and chilies, are due to the content of anthocyanins. Not only does it give a beautiful color to the eye, but this substance also turns out to be one type of polyphenol that is good for health.
- Phenolic acid
The phenolic acid group includes stilbene and lignans which are found in many fruits, seeds, and whole grains. Phenolic acids are also found in coffee and tea, including cascara tea.
- Polyphenol amides
These types of polyphenols can be found in capsaicin in chilies and avenanthramides in oats or wheat. Polyphenols are also found in many herbal plants such as moringa leaves, manjakani, and areca nuts. Apart from being antioxidants, polyphenolic amides also have the effect of reducing inflammation.
Several other types of polyphenols are resveratrol found in red wine or wine, ellagic acid in berries, curcumin in turmeric, and lignans found in flaxseeds, sesame seeds, and whole grains.
Various Benefits of Polyphenols for Body Health
Polyphenols as a type of antioxidant have the effect of reducing the harmful effects of free radicals, maintaining body health, and reducing the risk of developing several chronic diseases.
Not only that, but polyphenols also have other benefits, including:
1. Prevent cardiovascular disease
Several studies suggest that polyphenols can lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good cholesterol (HDL).
This effect appears to prevent the formation of plaque or blockage in blood vessels (atherosclerosis), thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
2. Lowering blood sugar
Various studies have shown that a healthy diet that is high in antioxidants has a good effect on reducing the risk of developing diabetes.
Polyphenols can help lower blood sugar levels and encourage the body to produce insulin and use it more effectively. This effect makes blood sugar levels more stable. This effect makes polyphenols a good intake to prevent diabetes mellitus.
3. Reducing the risk of cancer
Polyphenols can suppress the formation and development of cancer cells because of their role as free radical scavengers and reduce inflammation in the body.
However, further studies are needed to prove the benefits of polyphenols in general as a cancer preventive and determine how many polyphenol doses are needed.
4. Improve memory
Consumption of foods rich in polyphenols can help improve concentration and memory. This is because polyphenols are known to increase blood flow to the brain.
Studies suggest that a diet rich in polyphenols can reduce the risk of developing memory loss and age-related brain diseases, such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.
5. Maintain digestive health
Polyphenols can increase the growth of good bacteria in the intestines and help these good bacteria to fight harmful bacteria, such as E. coli and Salmonella. Thus, digestive health can always be maintained if you regularly eat foods rich in polyphenols.
Apart from the above benefits, polyphenols are also known to be good for maintaining eye health, skin, maintaining metabolic function, and increasing life expectancy. However, some of these benefits still require verification through further research.
The best way to get the benefits of polyphenols is to eat a healthy diet. Apart from food, polyphenols are also available in supplement form. However, it is not clear whether polyphenol supplements are as effective as the ingredients found in foods.
By living a healthy lifestyle and diet, daily intake of polyphenols is actually sufficient. However, if you have certain health problems or your nutritional intake is lacking, you may need to take supplements containing polyphenols. To determine the type of supplement and the right dosage, you can consult further with your doctor.